

Company Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock is committed to protecting the privacy of customers' private information. Please read the "Privacy Policy" below to better understand the commitments we make to protect the rights of visitors:

1. Purpose and scope of information collection:

1.1 Collection Collecting customer information by:

  • The information collected from the customer filling in the payment form on the website includes: Full name, Phone number, Email, identity card

1.2 Purpose of information collection:

  • We use the information that customers have registered to check and handle issues related to the use of services or transactions between Vtech Technology Joint Stock and customers.
  • In addition, we will use this information to notify customers of services, promotional information, advertising or for other direct marketing, commercial promotion purposes, directly or indirectly. contact, collect feedback from customers to improve service quality, and other content that Vtech Technology Joint Stock is allowed to use information that is not contrary to the provisions of law.

2. Scope of information use:

  • Personal information collected will only be used within the scope of Vtech Technology Joint Stock or a partner of Vtech Technology Joint Stock. Commitment not to sell or share information with any other party.

3. Subjects accessing information:

In order to fulfill the purpose of collecting information mentioned in this policy, Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock may need support from a third party to analyze data, continue market and support customer service and/or provide better service to customers.Joint Stock Company Vtech Technology to the subjects mentioned below:

a) Authorized dealer system

b) Affiliated units of the company Joint Stock Company Vtech Technology when the participation of an affiliated unit is necessary to perform/complete the transaction established between Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company and the customer.

c) A business partner that Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company trusts, the disclosure and responsibility of customer information security will be made according to the agreement between Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company and Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company. business partner of Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock Company. In order to develop business activities or in case of force majeure, Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company may have to reorganize, transfer, dissolve or bankrupt the company, in this case, the successor admitting, accepting the transfer of Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock Company may receive information from customers to replace Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company to continue providing and performing services with customers. Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock Company will have to disclose customer information to a third party or to a competent authority when requested by a competent authority or in other cases as prescribed by law or Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company has a basis to believe that the disclosure of information can protect the rights, property or safety of customers themselves or of Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company / Online unit. belongs to Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock Company. Other parties with the consent or instructions of the customer.

4. Information storage time:

All customer information is stored in a database on the database of VNG Company for the time necessary for the purpose for which the information was collected.

5. Means and tools for users to access and correct their personal data:

If customers have questions and want to correct their personal information, please contact the company's customer care department. Vtech Technology and Engineering Joint Stock Company at hotline 024.6686.1788.

6. Commitment to customer's personal information confidentiality:

Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company commits not to share, sell or rent customers' information with anyone except the target group in section 3 of the policy. this policy as well as keeping customer's information confidential in accordance with the contents specified in this policy and the provisions of law.

Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock Company will apply appropriate technical and security solutions and solutions to most effectively protect customer information. However, note that although Vtech Engineering Technology Joint Stock Company takes reasonable steps to protect customer information, there is no website, Internet connection, computer system or connection to the website. Any wireless connection is absolutely secure.

Therefore, Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company cannot make a firm commitment that customer information provided to Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company will be kept absolutely confidential, and Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company cannot be held responsible in case of unauthorized access or leakage of customer information through no fault of Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company. If the customer does not agree with the terms as described above, Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company recommends that the customer should not send information to Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company.

7. Address of the unit that collects and manages personal information:

Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company appreciates all comments, contacts and feedback from customers about services and policies. this book. For any questions related to or in case personal information is used for the wrong purpose or within the notified scope, please contact the following information:

Vtech Technology Joint Stock Company

Address: 10th floor - Lilama 10 Building - No. 56 To Huu Street - Trung Van Ward - Nam Tu Liem District - Hanoi.

Phone: 024 6686 1788
